Friday, February 23, 2018

Dirt Bikes

If there's one thing East Villagers love, it's loading their dirt bike into their pickup truck and heading out for some extreme dirt bike racing!

Here you can see one such example, on East 5th Street:

Loaded up.

Here is a close-up of the dirt bike:


In case you were thinking this was a fluke, that this was the only East Villager into dirt biking, here is another picture taken the very same day, on East 8th Street:

The very same day.

Here, likewise, is a close-up of the dirt bike:


There's nothing like a day at the dirt bike track to shake off those avant garde blues!

#eastvillage #5thstreet #8thstreet #dirtbikes #pickuptrucks

1 comment:

  1. for a second there, i though that was the cool old red truck!

