I was walking across St. Mark's Place yesterday, when I saw lights on where I don't recall seeing them on before, beneath the unadorned awning at Macaron Parlour:
Lights on in the Macaron Parlour kitchen. |
Seeing this for the first time, I wondered what their sign said:
Employees at work! |
This sign is confused. Who writes "Employees at Work"? It starts out sounding like it's written by the owner, or manager, but then continues "Please allow us to work…" as if written by the people who work there. It's like signs you might see in the monkey house at the zoo that say "Please do not feed us human food. It makes us sick".
I continued walking around the East Village, but on my way back home I decided to pass by again and take a picture of the employees at work. Unfortunately, the lights were off and the place was deserted. So I'll have to make do with what I have:
An employee in his natural environment. |
I wouldn't want to have my picture taken while working, but I wouldn't want to be patronized either… in the East Village!
#eastvillage #macaronparlour #signs #stmarksplace