Sunday, December 4, 2016

Welcome to East River Park

Recently, I ventured over the Franklin Delano Roosevelt highway (the eastern-most border of the East Village) to the East River Park.

In recent years, the East River Park has undergone tremendous changes — it's such a great park now!

Here is the welcome sign that greets you at the East 6th Street entrance:

Welcome sign.

There are so many things to do in the new East River Park: there's an amphitheater, ball fields, comfort stations, a mini soccer field, more ball fields, tennis courts, more comfort stations, basketball courts, a track, more comfort stations, a children's playground, and a BBQ area!

There's so much to do, you can't possibly do it all in a single day!

Park closes at midnight.

#eastvillage #daytrips #eastriverpark #signs

1 comment:

  1. the first thing i noticed about the sign was the font layout and spacing. it kept getting worse with each line. they saved the worst for the last line - 'P a r k c l o s e s a t M i d n i g h t' - yeeukhh!

