Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Cool Dumpy Building

I was walking down Avenue C the other day, when I noticed how dumpy this building, beside the beloved Fine Fare, is:

Dumpy building.

Just then, I noticed something very cool about this building also, namely: the newly-painted center window head and sash, and the cornice!

Newly-painted center window head and sash, and cornice.

It was just about that time that I noticed this building is being held up by metal supports connected to the building next to it!

Held up by metal supports.

Those aren't just any metal supports, there's a fire escape ladder attached — indeed, it's a fire escape for the building on the right:

Fire escape.

This looks like one of those symbiotic relationships: the building on the right gets to secure its fire escape with the help of the building on the left, and the building on the left gets to secure its upright position with the help of the building on the right!


#eastvillage #avenuec #finefare #fireescapes


  1. i like that center window and how it stands out. you do not see many (any?) of those.

    p.s. :-) i bet that within a half block or so of this building, one will find a mostly empty can of aquamarine paint! :-)


    1. Wow — you're psychic! There actually *was* a mostly empty can of aquamarine paint within a half block!
