Sunday, May 27, 2018

If It's Memorial Day, This Must Be A Punk Rock Concert – Part 2

No story about a punk rock concert would be complete without pictures of the crowd:

The crowd.

It may look sparse, but the crusties were out in number:

In number.

The two in front don't look much like crusties, but those are darn sure crusties behind them!

This guy suddenly remembered that he forgot to put on a shirt:


There wasn't a large turn-out — with so many people out of town, it makes you wonder how there was ever a riot to begin with!

#eastvillage tompkinssquarepark #crusties #punkrockshow

If It's Memorial Day, This Must Be A Punk Rock Concert – Part 1

I was walking up Avenue B yesterday, when I saw this sign taped to a lamppost, at East 7th Street:

Take the city back.

Take the city back? Take it back where? Hasn't it always been here?

There was also this sign, outside the beloved Vazac's:

Torn sign.

It looks like someone took a disliking to this sign.

This concert was to commemorate a riot that occurred around Tompkins Square Park, Memorial Day weekend, 1991. (Even East Villagers need a reason to grill!)

When I got to the park, the first band, Karnage, was already playing. There was someone on stage dressed as a super hero — Wonder Man, Flash, I don't know. I thought he was part of the band, so I didn't hurry to video tape him, but it turns out he wasn't!

This is Karnage, without Wonder Man:

The ever-present swag table was present:


There were not a lot of people, but it is Memorial Day weekend. East Villagers are notoriously late anyway.

I couldn't stay either. I had to go to Metro Bikes, on East 14th Street, to buy a new wheel for my bike. (You can read about that here.)

When I got back, the band Universal Truth Machine was finishing up:

After them came Sewage:

After Sewage, this woman got onto the stage, who had been going up onto the stage during each band's set. It seemed like she was going to speak, but then she didn't:

After that incident came Coach + Commando:

It was getting late, and I had a date at home with some tacos, so I wasn't able to see the last two bands: The Nihilistics and The Undead.

Here is a picture of Mr. and Mrs. Undead though:

Mr. and Mrs. Undead.

The organizers should put on the good bands first, and the… less-good bands after. That way, people could come see the good bands in the afternoon, and then go home and eat!


#eastvillage #7thstreet #avenueb #chrisflash #coachandcommando #karnage #memorialdayweekend #punkrock #punkrockshow #sewage #signs #tompkinssquarepark #universaltruthmachine #vazacs

No Wheel For You, East Villager

As I mentioned in If It's Memorial Day, This Must Be A Punk Rock Concert, I went to the beloved Metro Bikes, on East 14th Street yesterday. I needed to buy a new front wheel for my bicycle.

Metro Bikes no longer exists!


E14 MedicalArts.

I mean, East Villagers need medical arts as much as the next villager, but where am I going to get a new front wheel for my bicycle now? There's a Metro Bikes in Chelsea, but… I don't want to go to Chelsea!

#eastvillage #metrobikes #14thstreet #e14medicalarts

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Leaning Tree Guard

Just like the tree supports on East 7th Street, this tree guard on East 5th Street is pointless:

Pointless tree guard.

As the tree is bent, so grows the tree guard!

#eastvillage #5thstreet #leanytrees #treeguards

Friday, May 25, 2018

Draped Chain

I know I've written about this place before, on East 4th Street, with its dangling chain, but I can't find the post now.

Without it, this post, about how the dangling chain has moved, doesn't make as much sense.

Anyway, take a look — the chain has moved:

The chain has moved.

Here is a close-up:


The chain used to hang straight down, now it's draped over the railing!

It's sort of anticlimactic, without the other picture to compare it to.

#eastvillage #4thstreet #anticlimactic #chains

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Or Else

East Villagers, especially East 4th Street East Villagers, are accustomed to losing their lampposts.

A couple of weeks ago, this one disappeared from in front of the beloved Roberto Clemente School:


East 4th Streeters say "Bring it back, or… ELSE!"

In no time (this past Tuesday), the Department of Lampposts sent a truck to replace it — or so it seemed:

Fixing the lamppost.

They even put an orange cone on top of the stump, so no one would sit there!

When I passed by again, the next day, this is what I found:

New cement.

All of that fanfare, just to put new cement around the stump. They didn't even put it back in the right position!

It may be dark all the way down East 4th Street, at night, but they have some darn fine sidewalks!

#eastvillage #lampposts #cement #sidewalks #orangecones #4thstreet #departmentoftransportation #graffiti #else 

Bag Of Asphalt

You just never know what you're going to see when you're walking around the East Village — you might even see… a bag of asphalt!

Not just a bag of asphalt, but a well-protected bag of asphalt, like this one, on East 4th Street:

Bag of asphalt.

Where I grew up, in the Midwest, Lover's Lane was not paved, but there was a lot of asphelt!

(It's better to speak that joke than to write it.)

#eastvillage #asphalt #4thstreet

Roving Toilet Paper

A couple of weeks ago, I was walking through Tompkins Square Park, when I saw this toilet paper hanging from a tree:

Hanging from a tree.

At first, I thought it was a left-over anarchist decoration. Now, I'm not so sure!

Earlier this week, I saw what looked like the very same toilet paper, this time on East 4th Street:

On East 4th Street.

A long time ago, I saw a movie about an African immigrant living in Paris. He told a story about how back home, they believed evil spirits would inhabit inanimate objects to disguise themselves when they moved among people — even something like a plastic bag blowing by could be a spirit!

Me, I don't believe in such nonsense, but many East Villagers do. If you're one of those who do, watch out for this roving toilet paper — it might be the Devil!

#eastvillage #tompkinssquarepark #toiletpaper #4thstreet #superstition #trees

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Ropa Gratis Explosion

Residents of East 4th Street awoke this past Wednesday to discover that Ropa Gratis had exploded!



Later that day, a big thunderstorm passed through the area, drenching everyone and everything in its path. I wonder if this was a barometric-pressure-induced explosion?

#eastvillage #ropagratis #4thstreet

Cleaning Up The Cheese

It looks like someone finally started cleaning out the garbage left behind when the formerly-beloved East Village Cheese closed, back whenever that was:

Cleaning up the mess.

I wonder if they had to wear hazmat suits to protect themselves from the rotting cheese?

#eastvillage #eastvillagecheese #7thstreet #inside

Proper Trees

Finally, someone understands how trees should be in the East Village!

Behold, properly arranged and displayed trees, on East 6th Street:

Properly arranged and displayed.

Here is a close-up:


Earlier, I had the idea that all the trees should be cut down and replaced with artificial trees. Another good idea would be if they were all replaced with the same type of trees, like these birch trees.

Can you imagine how cool that would look?!

#eastvillage #trees #birchtrees #6thstreet

Repairing Steps

The East Village is always getting better, from Department of Transportation workers fixing the streets, to painters painting, to step repairers repairing steps, like these, on East 5th Street:

Steps under repair.

How did only one side become so mangled?

#eastvillage #steps #stairs #orangecones #5thstreet

Pointless Tree Supports

When walking around the East Village, oftentimes you see tree supports — poles driven into the ground that help keep a tree upright.

These three supports, on East 7th Street, serve no purpose whatsoever:


Seriously, what is the point?

#eastvillage #trees #treesupports #7thstreet

Abandoned Salad

I was walking across East 7th Street recently, when I saw this unopened container of salad on the sidewalk:

Salad on the sidewalk.

Here is a close-up:


Who even orders a salad?

#eastvillage #7thstreet #salad #abandonedfood

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Anarchist Conclave

I neglected to mention, on the same day as the April 29 punk rock concert in Tompkins Square Park, a group of anarchists met on the opposite side of the grassy area from the stage. This is where the masked fellow came from, mentioned in the previous post.

I'm not sure they did anything other than eat and sit around. They had a lot of banners:

A lot of banners.

Here are some more banners:

More banners.

Of course, the banners could only be read from their side of the fence — from the outside, it looked like they were being exclusive!

#eastvillage #tompkinssquarepark #anarchists #banners

Monday, May 14, 2018

Doorway to Hell?

I was walking across East 6th Street a couple of weeks ago, when I saw what, at first glance, appeared to be an abandoned fire door:

Abandoned fire door.

What if this is a doorway to Hell, I wondered?

Then I remembered: The East Village is built on a swamp — it's more likely a doorway to… the swamp!

#eastvillage #doors #6thstreet #swamp #hell #fireexit

Mr. Bones

I was walking across East 7th Street the other week or so, when I saw these paintings lining the fence at the corner of Avenue A, outside Tompkins Square Park:

Lining the fence.

The one that caught my eye is the one fourth from the left. It says
"Mr. Bones. I whent bakc to Ohio".
East Villagers never forget their midwestern roots!

#eastvillage #paintings #avenuea #7thstreet #ohioans #mrbones

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Joke In-Waiting

I was walking across East 7th Street when I saw this joke waiting to happen:


Most East Villagers don't think people slipping on banana peels is funny, but some do — the mean ones!

#eastvillage #7thstreet #bananas

Friday, May 11, 2018


Construction fences in the East Village are always changing — advertising one day, shmadvertising the next.

On this fence, on St. Mark's Place at Second Avenue, on this day, it was shmadvertising:


Here is a close-up:


It's interesting and all, but what is it selling?

#eastvillage #constructionfences #stmarksplace #secondavenue #posters

No More Dumping

Speaking of signs outside the El Jardin del Paraiso community garden, since they took down the No Dumping sign, there's been no dumping!


Nothing dumped.

East Villagers are so oppositional!

#eastvillage #eljardindelparaiso #4thstreet #signs #oppositionaldefiantdisorder #communitygardens

New Signs

There are a couple of new signs on the fence of the El Jardin Del Paraiso community garden, on East 4th Street:

New signs.

Here is a close-up:


Our legacy of lead? WTF?

As if being built on a swamp wasn't bad enough!

#eastvillage #eljardindelparaiso #communitygardens #4thstreet #signs #lead

Flamingo & Watermelon

The beloved Chi Snack Shop, on St. Mark's Place, has come a long way since their humble beginnings back in 2016.

Today, with their pink storefront, and their inflatable outdoor seating, there's even more to love!

More to love.

Sporting the colors of East Village Today, no less!

#eastvillage #selfpromotion #chisnackshop #stmarksplace #outdoorseating

The Scrawny Dog

I was just about to take a picture of a very scrawny dog in Tompkins Square Park, when suddenly a man started hailing a taxi!


There are no taxis in Tompkins Square Park!

What a scrawny dog though, right?

#eastvillage #tompkinssquarepark #dogs

Foodie Hats

East Villagers love tasty food, and they love to wear hats. So what could be better than a collection of hats… in the shape of tasty food?!

Behold, the tasty food collection at the beloved East Village Hats, on East 7th Street:

Tasty food collection.

If you can't buy a hat, the next best thing is to take a picture of one.

Again, behold:

"This looks like something East Village Today would photograph"!

This photographer is like a differently-dressed echo of me!

#eastvillage #eastvillagehats #7thstreet #photographers

Roof Parties

Now that the weather is getting warmer, East Villagers are starting to reappear on their rooftops, a favorite site for parties.

Here is one such party, on East 7th Street:

One such party.

In the bad old days, people used to have roof parties too — it's a time-honored tradition!

#eastvillage #roofparties #7thstreet

The Unhelpful Door

I know I wrote about this door on East 9th Street once, a long time ago — I just can't find the post!

Anyway, it sure has a lot of locks, doesn't it?

A lot of locks.

You might think, with this many locks, this building would be pretty safe.


Boarded-up building.

Back in April, there was a fire here that rendered the building unlivable.

First Sushi Park now Yakiniku West. At least Stage Restaurant didn't burn down!

#eastvillage #9thstreet #boardedupwindows #doors #fire #locks #yakinikuwest

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

John Shaftway

This cat Shaftway (on East 9th Street) is a bad mother…

Shut your mouth!

But I'm talkin' about Shaftway:


Then East Villagers can dig it!

#eastvillage #9thstreet #shaftway #lasalleparking #parkinggarage

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Another Punk Rock May Day

This past Sunday, April 29, was East Village anarchist May Day. For the rest of the world, it's today, May 1!

To celebrate, local celebrity Chris Flash sponsored another of the Tompkins Square Park punk rock extravaganzas he's famous for.

When I got there, this guy was speaking:

This guy.

This year, his speech was given in a single breath, in a format known as "word association".

It went something like this:
"Scott Pruitt religious fascist fracking Oklahoma earthquakes native Americans original inhabitants tens of thousands of years ago broken treaties Leonard Peltier no clemency Trump Obama man of the people Clinton August Spies May Day all political prisoners thank you."
As soon as he finished, the band began to play. The band's name was either Haram, or Headsplitters, or Junta, or Rubber. It was not Olor a Muerte.

This was them:

When they finished, some kid in a face mask got on stage and told us all about how terrible the police are.

"The policeman is not your friend."

Chris Flash got up afterward and told everyone that while other policemen were bad, today's police were fine people. They were from Midtown South — he didn't understand why they were here in the Ninth Precinct, but they were fine people indeed!

Then it was time for more music, and the band Olor a Muerte went on.

This was them:

East Village punks don't care if they stand in a puddle:

Standing in a puddle.

I didn't seen any crusties at this show. It is early for them — they don't arrive en masse until Memorial Day!

#eastvillage #anarchists #chrisflash #mayday #oloramuerte #paulderienzo #police #thisguy #tompkinssquarepark