Abandoned cup with straw. |
… when suddenly I saw this:
What's that?! |
"I've seen that face before", I thought to myself, and then I knew: "I don't have to worry what to write about the abandoned cup, I can write about the doDo bee graffiti off to the side of the cup, that appears here as well!"
So, this is a post about the doDo bee graffiti.
If you look closely at the doDo bee, you'll see that its body is a heart:
Heart. |
And the signature is hard to read. Maybe it's JeDo. Or deDo. I don't know. For now, I'm calling it doDo!
Then tonight, I saw this, also on East 6th Street:
This. |
I announced to my Snapchat followers that this was another doDo bee, but on closer inspection, I see that this is not the doDo bee, but an imposter!
The doDo bee graffitier is going to have to start putting a registered mark beside his work.
Sound advice, from East Village Today®!
After discussing this in the comments below, I am prepared to say that the last picture is a genuine doDo bee!
#eastvillage #jodobee #graffiti #abandonedcups #6thstreet #7thstreet #registeredmark