Monday, April 25, 2016

DIY Grannies

When walking around the East Village, you may notice cars with "boots" on their tires. Some are put there by the police, to prevent the driver from escaping with the vehicle before it's impounded. (It's best to keep your distance from those!)

However, many boots are for civilian use, and are used to prevent thieves from stealing the vehicle!

East Villagers are a do-it-yourself lot, though. For them, a granny-cart does just fine — like this one on East 4th Street:

Anti-theft granny-cart.

Here is a close-up:


Sometimes, just the appearance of an anti-theft granny-cart is enough to deter would-be thieves: the handle of the SUV pulls out — the chain isn't attached to anything!

DIY grannies are leading the way… to a safer and theft-free East Village Today!

#eastvillage #4thstreet #antitheftdevices #grannycarts #diy

1 comment:

  1. :-) where are the photos of the minivan driving away, dragging the granny-cart along? :-)

