Monday, October 3, 2016

A New Place to Shop

I was walking across East 2nd Street yesterday, when I discovered what makes every East Villager's heart race: a new place to shop has opened!

Here is their Open sign, facing Second Avenue:

Open sign.

If you you were driving down Second Avenue in a car, and you had the green light, you might not know what it is you could buy here. Luckily, I was on foot!


It's furniture!

You could be forgiven for thinking the name of this store is "Open", but it's not!

Here, on East 2nd Street, is where you learn the name:

Cafiero Select Home Decor.

East Villagers belove Cafiero Select Home Decor!

#eastvillage #2ndstreet #cafieroselect #furniture #secondavenue #signs


  1. That place has been there at least 4 years.

  2. Open four years, but a blog virgin?

    1. Woah! No way! Well, something was new!

    2. What I meant was that you may have been the first blogger to blog about it!

    3. Ah! I misunderstood. Still, it was the first time I noticed it!
