Thursday, March 2, 2017

Bleached School Bus

I was walking down Avenue D yesterday, when I saw this bleached school bus, parked in front of the beloved Uncle Johnny grocery store:

Bleached school bus.

It says "Charter" on the back of it — I wonder if it's a school bus for a charter school?!

#eastvillage #avenued #schoolbus #unclejohnnygrocerystore


  1. :-) i bet if you put a lot of heavy people in the back of that bus, you could make the front end go up. :-)


    1. Do you want to hear a scary and true story about a bus? I have two — this one is about shifting weight. When I was in high school, the bus route included a couple of tight curves that our driver didn't slow down enough for. So one day we devised amongst ourselves to all move to the right side of the bus as we rounded the curve. I don't know if the tires came off the road, but I can tell you that a lot of weight was lifted from the left-side suspension! The driver screamed, and even though she didn't say anything, we never did that again!

    2. > I have two

      what's the other?


  2. Omg! I remember that!
