Friday, July 31, 2015

Exciting Stuff at Horus

Something pretty exciting must have been happening over at the beloved Horus Cafe, on Avenue B and East 6th Street last night. Not only did they have a red carpet down, not only did they have a red-velvet rope, they had a step-and-repeat backdrop:

Red carpet, velvet rope, step-and-repeat backdrop.

East Villagers all know the beloved Horus as the hookah place that doesn't allow smoking!

If it's still there when you pass by, take a selfie — you can tell your friends you were there… in the East Village Today!

#eastvillage #6thstreet #avenueb #horuscafe #velvetrope

Curb Your Curb

Everywhere you go in the East Village these days it seems, there's construction work!

I saw this yesterday evening, on Third Avenue and East 9th Street:


The East Village is going to be quite a place when they're finally finished with it!

#eastvillage #thirdavenue #9thstreet #constructionsites


I was walking across St. Mark's Place yesterday evening, passing by the construction work taking place there, when I saw this photographer taking a picture of… water gushing out of a hose!

Water gushing out of a hose.

Nothing excites an East Village photographer quite like the effluvium of a construction site!

#eastvillage #stmarksplace #photographers #constructionsites

St. Mark's Place Construction

One of the main reasons people move to the East Village (yes, coolness, but…) is that it's so disheveled. Sometimes it's because of disrepair, and other times because of repair!

Here is an example of the latter, on St. Mark's Place, yesterday evening:

Everything old is new again!

(What did you say?! I can't hear you!)

#eastvillage #constructionsites #stmarksplace

Trash (and Vaudeville)

I was walking down Third Avenue last night, when I saw a young woman deposit Trash in the trash can. A shopping bag from the beloved Trash and Vaudeville, to be more precise!

Trash (and Vaudeville) in the trash.

For those who don't know, the beloved Trash and Vaudeville is the coolest store on the coolest block in all the East Village — everyone who lives here buys their clothes from this store!

Unrelated to this, sources tell me that the beloved Trash and Vaudeville is moving… to East 7th Street! St. Mark's Place coolness is bursting at the seams — the coolest street is about to become the coolest two streets!

It's almost too much to comprehend… in the East Village Today!

(By the way, do you notice the similarity between the beloved Trash and Vaudeville's color, and East Village Today's? Birds of a feather…)

#eastvillage #stmarksplace #thirdavenue #trash #trashvaudeville

Another Crooked Tree

The East Village is famous for its deformed and falling-down trees.

Here is one such tree, of the falling-down variety, on East 7th Street:

Falling-down tree.

Some day in the not-so-distant future, it will crash down on everything in its path.

East Villagers love their rescue trees!

#eastvillage #7thstreet #leanytrees #trees

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Abandoned Art

On the very same day, on the very same street(!) that I saw an artist selling his art, someone else was discarding their own (framed reproduction of someone else's) art.

Yes indeed, I was walking across St. Mark's Place about a week ago, when I saw this:

Abandoned reproduction.

Here is a close-up:


I used to have a postcard version of this same photograph taped up on a wall in my apartment, many years ago.

Timeless photographs… in the East Village Today!

#eastvillage #art #stmarksplace

Don't Pay the Ransom, I Escaped!

You may have been wondering why there have been no East Village Today posts recently. Well, the answer is: I was kidnapped!

Actually, I journeyed outside the East Village for a few days, and let me tell you, it's not for the faint-hearted — it's a scary world out there!

This is just one thing I saw:

It's like Mad Max!

East Villagers love the safety and security of home!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Art For Sale

I was walking across St. Mark's Place this past weekend when I saw this:

Art for sale.

The artist was on the other side of the cardboard box, but I didn't want him in the picture!

Big art on the wall, small art on the sidewalk… who says the East Village isn't cool? (Hint: No one!)

#eastvillage #stmarksplace #art

The East Village is Full

Well, it finally happened: the East Village is full up!

I saw this sign on Saturday, on East 7th Street:

Last remaining residence.

Here is the building:

The building.

At least it has a balcony — East Villagers do love their balconies!

#eastvillage #balconies #7thstreet

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Tompkins Square Park Sleep-Over

Sources tell me that a sleep-over in Tompkins Square Park is being planned to coincide with a punk rock concert there, in early August!

The sleep-over begins at midnight Friday (Thursday night), August 7, and goes till 6:00am Sunday, August 9. The punk rock concert is Saturday and Sunday afternoons. I don't know what the campers will do all day Friday, but I'm sure they'll find something interesting — it is the East Village after all!

The sleep-over won't be inside the park, however, because the park has a curfew. Instead, it will be on the sidewalk along East 7th Street.


Arrive early if you want a good spot!

#eastvillage #tompkinssquarepark #7thstreet #campnewyorkpost

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Or maybe I should say: Here Yesterday, Gone Today!

While walking up Avenue B yesterday, I saw these two signs:

Two signs.

Who can read all that?!

Anyway, today:

One sign.

Maybe the people from the beloved Vazac's took it down? It was right outside their bar. There were probably so many people gathered around the post, trying to read this proclamation, and it blocked their customers getting in and out!

East Villagers love short signs!

#eastvillage #vazacs #signs #avenueb

Online Petition to Fix Elm Tree Enclosure

Back in January, I made a request to 311 to fix the area around where the gimpy elm used to be:

My proposal.

I received the response:
Work to correct the reported condition has been deferred because of seasonal considerations and will be corrected as soon as possible.
I'm sure with the many important jobs the Parks Department has, this might have slipped under their radar, so I reminded them today!

I also started an online petition, so others can show their love for the beloved Tompkins Square Park elm tree enclosure!

Finding closure in the enclosure… in the East Village Today!

#eastvillage #tompkinssquarepark #311

Doomed Tree

Over on the Avenue B side of Tompkins Square Park, in an area where no one goes, grows a tree that is doomed:

Doomed tree.

Here is a close-up:


You can see in the first picture that this tree is surrounded by other, much larger trees, that completely overshadow it.

In its effort to find sunlight, the doomed tree grows sideways, and has already reached the point where it needs to be supported by a splint. Assuming it's able to draw nutrients out of soil already depleted by the large trees, how long can it grow in this direction before its weight causes it to collapse?

Doomed… in the East Village Today!

#eastvillage #dendrolatry #leanytrees #tompkinssquarepark #trees

Friday, July 24, 2015

Kunta and Turntable Lab

Kunta and the beloved Turntable Lab.

That is all.

#eastvillage #kunta #turntablelab #graffiti

TD Ice Cream Truck

I was walking up Avenue A yesterday, when I saw a line in front of what looked like an ice cream truck, except for the color of the paint (PMS 391 and 5535), that turned out to be an ice cream truck after all!


Where else but in the East Village do banks give away ice cream, without having to open a checking account?!

Promoting awareness of ice cream… in the East Village Today!

#eastvillage #tdbank #avenuea #icecream #icecreamtruck

Movie in the Park

One of the great things about the East Village is that during the Summer, there are movies in Tompkins Square Park!

Last night was "Big Night", everyone's favorite movie about food!

This showing was special, for two reasons: 1) the presence of the Terrahawk Mobile Utility Surveillance Tower, brought in to rid the park of the enemy; and 2) … Well, take a look for yourself:

Thank you. Thank you. You're too kind!

#eastvillage #bignight #howl #movies #terrahawkmobileutilitysurveillancetower #tompkinssquarepark

Outside the Cemetery

What would a ghost see, if he rose from the grave at St. Mark's Church and looked out toward Second Avenue? I think he might see something like this:

The ghosts have been interred in this cemetery for hundreds of years. They don't even know how cool the East Village has become — they still think it's a bunch of farm land!

Do ghosts care about coolness… in the East Village Today?

#eastvillage #stmarkschurch #secondavenue #cemetery #ghosts

1,000th Post!

This is the 1,000th post of East Village Today! For a while, I wasn't sure whether this milestone, or my one-year anniversary would occur first!

To celebrate, here is a picture of an abandoned potato — I don't remember where:

Abandoned potato.

I would like to thank my family for their support. Also, my faithful readers, especially the ones on Google+. And finally, my one commenter, without whom I would never have cause to click the Reply button!

Here's looking toward the next 1,000 posts… of East Village Today!

#eastvillage #milestones #abandonedfood

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Enemy in the Park

Well, either you're closing your eyes
To a situation you do now wish to acknowledge
Or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated
By the presence of an enemy in Tompkins Square Park!

Good thing there's a Terrahawk Mobile Utility Surveillance Tower in the park now, to protect us from the enemy:

Terrahawk Mobile Utility Surveillance Tower.

East Villagers love enemy protection-from!

#eastvillage #tompkinssquarepark #terrahawkmobileutilitysurveillancetower #police

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Ilegal Mezcal

According to their Twitter page:
For nearly a decade, a group of artists, musicians, writers and travelers have been drinking Ilegal Mezcal, a brand with a notorious history.
Naturally, this is the brand of tequila favored by East Villagers, who have their own notorious history!

Which is why the East Village was chosen to launch Ilegal Mezcal's new Donald Trump campaign, on Avenue C and East 5th Street:

Donald Trump, for Ilegal Mezcal.

Estoy Donald Trump, y yo apruebo este anuncio… en la Aldea al Este de Hoy!

#eastvillage #avenuec #5thstreet #ilegalmezcal #donaldtrump #signs

Moishe's Bake Shop New Sign

Recently, the beloved Moishe's Bake Shop on Second Avenue replaced their sign!

Here is the new sign:

New sign.

This sign gets !!! out of !!!!! exclamation points — it's nothing special, but the kerning is good!

Because the building itself is so deteriorated, they didn't put a lot of money into the sign. Here are some close-ups:

Screw-mount – ruptured metal.

Screw didn't hold.

These are the little flourishes that make Moishe's so beloved by East Villagers, one and all!

#eastvillage #deterioration #moishesbakeshop #secondavenue #signs


I was looking for an ATM the other day, from which to withdraw some cash, when suddenly…



That is all.

#eastvillage #kunta #graffiti

Steam, Not Smoke

East Villagers have been wondering what was coming from the pipe behind the construction fence on Avenue A below East 7th Street.

Well it's steam, not smoke:

Turning rented ground water into steam… in the East Village Today!

#eastvillage #constructionsites #avenuea #7thstreet

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Bike Lane Sink Hole

Though not as big as the Avenue C sink hole, this smaller hole is potentially more dangerous, since it's in a bike lane!

The East Village is very holey!

#eastvillage #bikelanes #sinkhole #firstavenue

Unseen East Village – Update

Back in September, I posted a picture of a large hole in the ground behind a construction fence on Avenue C at East 6th Street.

This is an update:

It's become more mysterious, some might say, in the intervening months!

#eastvillage #sinkhole #avenuec #6thstreet

More Filming

I was walking down East 7th Street yesterday, when I saw a film crew setting up at the intersection of Avenue B, in the same location as the recently filmed "A.K.A. Jessica Jones"!

Take a look-see:

I think they were a low-budget operation, because they didn't post any signs announcing that they were shooting, and they didn't have any P.A.s telling me "No videos, please."

This is the kind of stuff I used to shoot — the crew — until Jessica Jones ruined me for good!

#eastvillage #filmmakers #avenueb #7thstreet

Rock and Roll

Here it comes, hot on the tail of "A.K.A Jessica Jones": "Rock And Roll"!

This sign was on Avenue B and East 5th Street.

Filming starts Friday! Let's see if anyone famous is in it — and what sort of explosions they'll set off!

It's not a true East Village movie/TV show without explosions!

#eastvillage #avenueb #rockandroll #filmmakers #signs

Hailing a Taxi

Hailing a taxi is not easy in the East Village, especially on a Saturday afternoon, in the Summer, on Second Avenue, and St. Mark's Place!

Take a look for yourself:

This is why so many East Villagers prefer Citibikes!

#eastvillage #taxis #secondavenue #stmarksplace

Upright Sleeping Only

I took this picture on March 31, but I couldn't think of what to say about it, other that upright sleeping only is allowed on this bench in Abe Lebewohl Park, in front of St. Mark's Church, on Second Avenue:

Upright sleeping only.

#eastvillage #abelebewohlpark #benches #secondavenue #stmarkschurch

Big Slush Puddle

In preparation for the big announcement I announced the other day, I am going through my Drafts folder and publishing things that have been there for months!

Original blurb:
The effects of the First Avenue Glacier are making their way down East 2nd Street, towards Avenue A.
Big slush puddle.

Makes you long for Winter, no?!

#eastvillage #2ndstreet

Third Avenue

Third Avenue is the red-haired stepchild of the East Village.

It can't be helped — it's the westernmost avenue, and butts up against areas with names like NoHo, and Midtown South:

Third Avenue.

Where coolness goes to die… on the border of the East Village Today!

#eastvillage #thirdavenue

Inside the New Tompkins Square Bagels

East Villagers are excited about the expansion of the beloved Tompkins Square Bagels franchise to Second Avenue!

Here are some pictures from July 10:

Inside the new Tompkins Square Bagels.

Here is a shot of the outside:

Tompkins Square Bagels Work in Progress.

Two, three, many Tompkins Square Bagels… in the East Village, and beyond!

#eastvillage #tompkinssquarebagels #secondavenue #franchise

Hollow Tree Fungus Alert

There is a serious situation developing in the East Village today: hollow tree fungus!


Hollow tree fungus.

Here is a close-up:


Shelf fungi, also known as fungal conks, grow on decaying and hollow trees. The presence of these mushrooms indicates that the tree has a disease and is rotting on the inside. The diseases can lead to severe damage in just a few months. As the tree’s internal decay increases, more mushrooms appear on the bark.
Unfortunately, I don't remember where this is, but I can tell you I took the picture ten days ago, so this tree is ten days closer to falling down than it was then!

So many sick and fungus-y trees… in the East Village Today!

[UPDATE: This tree is on Avenue C at East 5th Street!]

#eastvillage 5thstreet #avenuec #hollowtreefungus #trees

New Traffic Islands

I'm really behind on posting photos; videos take so much extra time!

Approximately ten days ago, I was over on the western boundary of the East Village: Third Avenue. Specifically: the area bordering Astor Place, in Midtown South. There I saw the beginning of pedestrian traffic islands being created!

See for yourself:

The beginning of pedestrian traffic islands being created, looking south.

The beginning of pedestrian traffic islands being created, looking north.

It's pretty clear that the City foresees an increase in automobile traffic on this avenue.

Keeping shoppers safe at the busiest point of entry… in East Village Today!

#eastvillage #thirdavenue #trafficislands

Squirrel Eating Orange Peel

Here it is, the video you've been waiting for since 8:41 this morning:

If I had had enough time this morning, I'd have changed the music to the same as "Squirrel Eating Apple", which is now the official music of the "Squirrel Eating" series!

East Villagers love consistency in background music!

#eastvillage #squirrels #tompkinssquarepark

Squirrel Eating Apple

The response to my recent Hodgepodge videos was overwhelming — one section in particular: the squirrel eating an apple. (East Villagers love squirrels!)

So for your viewing pleasure, I present:

And that's not all! Come back later today for another squirrel video I like to call: Squirrel Eating Orange Peel!

Tompkins Square Park really is a magical wonderland of squirrels!

#eastvillage #tompkinssquarepark #squirrels

Monday, July 20, 2015

Only 5 More Months Till SantaCon

Back in December, I was out and about taking pictures of the beloved Santa Con festivities.

At the Village Pour House, I could hear someone saying "Get out! Get out!" I couldn't see who was shouting, but eventually the blurry man in the doorway appeared escorting the blurry woman in the center, with the light-up dress. She was protesting "But I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything!"

"I didn't do anything!"

Be aware: the East Village is not for the faint of heart!

#eastvillage #villagepourhouse #santacon

Tink's Defunct Indoor Seating

Back in June, I posted pictures of the beloved Tink's, on East 7th Street, that had just closed forever. The beloved Tink's was famous for its immensely cool-looking but impractical outdoor seating.

At that time, I took a picture of the inside also, but I didn't post it. I'm cleaning out my Drafts folder, in anticipation of a big announcement that will come soon!

Here is a picture of the beloved Tink's now-defunct, indoor seating:

Now-defunct indoor seating.

Stay tuned for that big announcement, coming soon… to the East Village Today!

#eastvillage #tinks #7thstreet

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Hose

Who knows where the hose goes?

The results may surprise you!

#eastvillage 6thstreet #6bcbotanicalgarden #firehydrants

Introducing: Hodgepodge

Since I've been shooting videos for this blog, instead of still pictures, and since I don't always know what to shoot when I'm out, resulting in my shooting things I have no idea what to do with, subsequently resulting in my having a bunch of unused videos at the end of the week, I decided to start stringing these videos together, in a weekly feature I will call: Hodgepodge!*

Of course, now that I know I'll be doing this, I'll probably start shooting videos with the intention of mixing them into a hodgepodge, with the likely result that they will change somehow — at very least, they'll be self-conscious, or reflect my self-consciousness.

Nothing can ever just be itself… in the East Village Today!

So with no further ado, here is Hodgepodge No. 1 (or No. 2, depending on how you look at it):

* My first hodgepodge video was called Saturday Afternoon, before I had the idea to formalize the idea.

#eastvillage #hodgepodge

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Independent Filmmaking

Ask any East Villager and they'll tell you: independent film-making started in the East Village!

It's true — they'll tell you that!

Some people think that independent film-making went the way of the super-8 camera, but not in the East Village!

I was walking up First Avenue this afternoon, when I saw this film-making crew, making a film:

Coming soon, to an underground cinema near you!

#eastvillage #firstavenue #filmmakers

Circus Performers

Not all East Village artists are sculptors, some are performers. And not all East Village performers are performance artists, some are… circus performers!

I was walking through Tompkins Square Park this past Thursday, when I saw them.


When they make it to the Cirque du Soleil, remember that you saw them here first… in the East Village Today!

#eastvillage #tompkinssquarepark #circus #performanceart

Bench Repaired

Back on approximately March 20, as I was passing through Tompkins Square Park, I saw that the Parks Department workers had replaced two boards in a bench at the Avenue B/East 7th Street entranceway:

Two boards replaced.

Who even knew that the two previous boards needed replacing? The Parks Department, that's who!

The next time you're passing through Tompkins Square Park, come check out their handiwork — you'll be glad you did!

#eastvillage #benches #parksdepartmentworkers #tompkinssquarepark #avenueb #7thstreet

It's Time to Take Back the Park

As you may already know, East Villagers are avid golfers! Unfortunately, the East Village has no suitable golf courses.

It's time to reclaim Tompkins Square Park for golfers!

To drive home this point, East Villagers have been using the grassy area in the center to practice:

Golf ball, still playable!

Here is a close-up:

Close-up of golf ball, still playable!

The center, grassy area is only large enough for, perhaps, a 9-hole putt-putt course, but anything is better than nothing.

East Villagers love putt-putt!

#eastvillage #tompkinssquarepark #golf #puttputtgolf

Friday, July 17, 2015

Runaway Fire Hydrant

No one knows how it happened, but a fire hydrant on East 4th Street between Avenue C and D malfunctioned last night, spewing water across the street and resulting in the street being blocked to traffic.

The Fire Department was called, but they were not able to stop the water. According to the 311 operator, the Department of Environmental Protection is charged with the responsibility of shutting off fire hydrants, and they would respond to the notice within 24 hours!

It went on late into the night, and by morning… it was fixed!

It would have been more exciting if this had been part of a movie or TV show — super hero by day, Department of Environmental Protection fire hydrant responder by night!

#eastvillage #311 4thstreet #departmentofenvironmentalprotection #firedepartment #firehydrants

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Another Rescue Tree

Tompkins Square Park is famous for its rescue trees! Here's another, on Avenue B at East 9th Street:

But for the grace of the East Village Parks Conservancy…

#eastvillage #rescuetrees #tompkinssquarepark #avenueb #9thstreet #trees

Walking Across St. Mark's Place

People ask me sometimes, they say: "Hey East Village Today, I know the East Village is cool and all, but what's it like for the average East Villager to walk across St. Mark's Place?" (A lot of people's questions are like the questions on Quora!)

"That's a good question!" I tell them. So here it is: a typical East Villager walking across St. Mark's Place:

Now you know too!

#eastvillage #stmarksplace #sidewalks

El Bingo

In the early moments of a festival on East 4th Street, this past weekend:

How early was it? It was so early, there weren't even any kids in the bouncy castle!

#eastvillage #4thstreet

Art Sign

With all of the excitement surrounding the shooting of A.K.A Jessica Jones, it's easy to forget the daily, non-exploding coolness that surrounds us here in the East Village!

Approximately thirteen days ago, I saw this sign, on Avenue B and East 9th Street:

In the way of affirming that this is indeed cool, East Village art, worthy of photographing, I saw this East Villager photographing it:

Photographing the Art Sign.

(Admittedly, it would be much cooler if it exploded!)

#eastvillage #art #signs #avenueb #9thstreet #photographers

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Jennifer Cafe Outdoor Seating

Back in November, I wrote about the beloved Jennifer Cafe, on East 4th Street, a small protuberance from the outside wall of the beloved Guayoyo, a Venezuelan restaurant on the corner of First Avenue.

Jennifer Cafe now has outdoor seating:

Outdoor seating.

This is very special seating, too: your mouth is at the same level as the food, eliminating the necessity of having to lift your fork!

East Villagers love to conserve energy!

#eastvillage #4thstreet #firstavenue #jennifercafe #outdoorseating

A New Name for a New Awning

Did I not say that this Summer would be the time of fixing up the East Village? Did I not say that?

Yes, I did — and it's coming along splendidly!

About a month ago, I wrote about the dilaptdated awning at the beloved Down Town Bakery II, on First Avenue just above East 4th Street. Today, I passed by there again, only to find… a new awning:

A new awning.

Here is a close-up:


It's no longer called the beloved Down Town Bakery II either — now it's the beloved Downtown Bakery Cocina Mexicana!

Just looking at it makes me hungry! Olé!

#eastvillage #downtownbakeryii #downtownbakerycocinamexicana #firstavenue #dilapidation

Saturday, July 11, 2015


This is the end of the A.K.A. Jessica Jones material, for now! I hope you enjoyed this little foray into every-day life in the East Village, with its celebrities and explosions and such! I mean, how often does something this cool happen? OK, every day, it's true, but it was still fun!

Here are a few remaining pictures:

Lucy and Desi,

Krysten Ritter's and Mike Colter's (I found out; not David Tennant's) trailers. Last time, you may recall, they used the names Ralph and Alice! Last time, their doors had stairs too!

The beloved Vazac's door is replaced:

Exploded door, back in place.

Here is where I sat:

Where I sat.

I sat on the back of the bench, with my feet on the seat, to avoid rats running over the top of them!

Finally, one last look at Krysten Ritter. I took this on East 6th Street, outside her trailer:

Ms. Krysten Ritter.

I think this was the first time I ever took a picture of someone I didn't know without trying to disguise the fact that I was taking their picture! And she smiled!

East Villagers love smiles!

#eastvillage #6thstreet #jessicajones #desi #krystenritter #lucy #tompkinssquarepark #vazacs

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Pure Fanzine Stuff

This is the last of my A.K.A. Jessica Jones videos from the other night, and what would be a better send-off than images of the star herself, Ms. Krysten Ritter?!

Before I do this though, I just want to say I'm sorry I didn't get any scenes with David Tennant in them. For all I know, he was there in the earlier pictures, and I just didn't recognize him, what with his beard and all!

So with no further ado, Ms. Krysten Ritter:

#eastvillage #jessicajones #krystenritter #vazacs avenueb #7thstreet #filmmakers

False Start

Setting up for shooting a scene isn't just a lot of tweaking of cameras and replacing of street signs. No, stunt doubles have to rehearse how they're going to fly and fall, too!

And just when you think it's time… "Stop rolling!"

Once again brought to you without added sound effects:

#eastvillage #jessicajones #filmmakers #avenueb #7thstreet #stuntdoubles

T Minus 54 Minutes and Counting

When we last left off, I had gone home to eat supper, seeing that the one-time simulated explosion™ was not yet ready to occur.

After eating, I ventured back over. They were still setting up, but they were further along, and it was dark: the perfect setting for a night shot!

And here it is, the crew of A.K.A Jessica Jones, setting the stage:

The cameraman was from WLNY.

#eastvillage #jessicajones #vazacs #avenueb #7thstreet #filmmakers #wlny

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Violet, Before the Explosion

As readers may recall from my post yesterday, the one-time simulated explosion, featuring air cannon with debris, was scheduled to take place some time between 6:00 and 11:00pm.

Being the punctual sort of blogger that I am, I arrived as soon after 6:00 as I could, which was at approximately 8:20. They were still setting up around the beloved Vazac's, and didn't look like they were anywhere near setting off an explosion, one-time or not, so I went home to eat.

This is what I got in the time I was there though:

Stay Tuned! There's more to come!

#eastvillage 7thstreet #jessicajones #avenueb #vazacs #filmmakers

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

One-Time Simulated Explosion

This… was… AWESOME! Quite possibly, the coolest thing that's ever happened in the East Village!

So with no sound effects, no commentary, I bring you: One-Time Simulated Explosion:

I'll put up more videos tomorrow, but they won't be nearly as cool as this!

#eastvillage #jessicajones #krystenritter #vazacs #avenueb #7thstreet #onetimesimulatedexplosion

The Pole Climber

You never know what kind of crazy thing you'll see when you set out walking around the East Village!

This past weekend, I saw this, at the beloved, groovy Earth School, on Avenue B:

Good thing it wasn't greased!

#eastvillage #earthschool #avenueb

Whole Foods Bag

People who shop regularly at the beloved Whole Foods (located just outside of the East Village, on the south side of East Houston Street), are the kind of people who would also buy a Whole Foods grocery bag — to keep with the Reuse part of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle dictum, while at the same time spreading awareness of Whole Foods!

So you would not expect to see one abandoned on the street. Yet, that is exactly what I saw, on Avenue B, this past weekend!


The litter inside, you would expect. East Villagers love to put their litter inside containers that are not trash cans!

#eastvillage #wholefoods #grocerybag #litter #avenueb

Ray's New Signs

Another great leap forward in the East Village! After recently cleaning their awning, the beloved Ray's Candy store has started taking down the old signs and started putting up much nicer ones.


I'm glad to see someone there has started using some sense, and stopped following the advice of those who would keep Ray's Candy Store looking so dumpy!

I, for my part, accept their apologies graciously!

#eastvillage #avenuea #rayscandystore #signs

T Minus 9 Hours and 19 Minutes

I passed by the beloved Vazac's this morning, where preparations are underway for tonight's shooting of A.K.A Jessica Jones, complete with one-time simulated explosion, an air cannon with debris, and atmospheric smoke and/or fog!

This is what I was trying to get a better shot of last night, that I thought might be components of the one-time simulated explosion:

Components of…

I think I figured it out, though. I think this is a component of the air cannon with debris.

Here is what I think will happen: the one-time simulated explosion will occur inside the beloved Vazac's. It very well may not include sound, since that can be added later, but it certainly would be cool if it does! At some point, these air cannons will fire their debris. This might not occur simultaneously — again, this can by synched-up in editing.

The atmospheric smoke and/or fog will be constant, I'd guess, otherwise it wouldn't be atmospheric! The weather calls for isolated to scattered thunderstorms this evening. That'll certainly add to the atmosphere!

East Villagers are sure to be out in number tonight!

#eastvillage #jessicajones #vazacs #onetimesimulatedexplosion #aircannonwithdebris #atmosphericsmokeandorfog

Violet, The Night Before

As I wrote last week, preparations are afoot to shoot another installment of A.K.A. Jessica Jones in the East Village!

I walked down Avenue B yesterday evening after work, to see what was happening.  First, the sign:

The sign.

A one-time simulated explosion! An air cannon with debris! Atmospheric smoke and/or fog! Right here in the heart of the East Village! Who could ask for more?!

Most of the excitement will occur at the beloved Vazac's, a faux-dive bar on Avenue B and East 7th Street.

Here is a preview:

Unfortunately, I won't be able to be downtown tonight until about 7:30. I sure do hope they don't simulate the explosion before I get there!

* * *

As a side note: I found out that last month, the "A.K.A." was dropped from the name, leaving it: Marvel's Jessica Jones. I will continue to use the "A.K.A.", however.

East Villagers love aliases!

#eastvillage #vazacs #jessicajones #avenueb #7thstreet #onetimesimulatedexplosion #aircannonwithdebris #atmosphericsmokeandorfog

Monday, July 6, 2015

Driving Down Second Avenue

A lot of people ask me, they say "Hey East Village Today, what is it like to enter the East Village by automobile?"

And I tell them: It's something like this:

Yeah, there is no uncool way to enter the East Village!

#eastvillage #secondavenue

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Freaky Tree on Life Support

The Freaky Tree in Tompkins Square Park, close to the Avenue A and East 7th Street entrance, that looks like the antler the Grinch tied onto his dog Max's head, is on life support:

I suspect this tree will not last much longer. Dendrolatrists may have to gather to transmit cosmic energy into this tree!

East Villagers love cosmic energy!


#eastvillage #freakytree #tompkinssquarepark #avenuea #7thstreet #dendrolatry #cosmicenergy

East Village Fashion Week

This banner on East 9th Street advertises New York Fashion Week, in the East Village, every week is fashion week!

From Marc Jacobs to Dr. Martens, East Villagers are nothing if not fashionable!

#eastvillage #9thstreet #fashion #fashionweek #signs

Caution Tape

Just as life itself in rural West Virginia, renovations to the former East 9th Street West Virginia building occur slowly.
Life is old there, older than the trees…
Still, restorations do occur, or preparations for restorations, in any case. Here is one of them:

Don't lean on that bannister — it's not safe!

#eastvillage #9thstreet #renovations #cautiontape

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

13th Street Squalor Building

I was walking across East 13th Street this evening, when I decided to shoot a video of the building I've taken so many pictures of in the past, the dilapidated graffiti building:

Yeah, that's a good one!

#eastvillage #dilapidation #squalor #13thstreet #graffiti

Here Comes Violet

Exciting news for all you David Tennant and Krysten Ritter fans: the next wave of shooting A.K.A. Jessica Jones starts Monday, July 6!

These signs are from Avenue B, between East 6th and 7th Streets:

Of course, moving your car starts a day sooner!

East Villagers are marking their calendars already!

#eastvillage #avenueb #signs #jessicajones #krystenritter #davidtennant

Saturday Afternoon

Sometimes, there is just too much going on in the East Village to cover with a series of ten-second videos. It would be — what? — a hundred seconds, at least! The amount of work would be overwhelming!

The answer is to link them all together!


East Villagers love to laugh!

(The name of the video comes from a snippet of a conversation that was recorded while shooting.)


The Chair

I was walking out of Tompkins Square Park the other day, when I saw this chair and shoes:

It makes a better picture than video, except for the sound effects!

East Villagers love sound effects!

#eastvillage #tompkinssquarepark #avenueb, 7thstreet

When Dutch Elm Disease Strikes

As you may already be aware, branches have recently been falling off trees in Tompkins Square Park like… like leaves!

Dendrolatrists, arborists, and now even horticulturists have attributed the problem to dog urine! Yes indeed. They say that the amount of dog urine in Tompkins Square Park is causing the branches to fall.

Meanwhile, on planet Earth:

It might be a good idea to avoid large branches for a while inside Tompkins Square Park!

#eastvillage #trees #tompkinssquarepark #dutchelmdisease

Eerie Cellar Doors

One of the benefits of shooting video over still photography, is that people can come to understand why things like open doors are so appealing.

These are the open cellar doors at the beloved Cafe Mocha, on Second Avenue and East 7th Street:

Eerie, no?!

There's a lot of eerie-ness… in the East Village Today!

#eastvillage #cafemocha #secondavenue #7thstreet #opendoors

Ray's Clean Awning

What a time to be without a camera — new things are happening all over the East Village, and I can only record them on video!

Take a look at this, if you will. The beloved Ray's Candy Store's awning is clean!:

Who would have ever expected this? It needs a bit of retouching; I suppose that will take another year!

Now that they cleaned their awning, I wonder if they'll un-ban me from their Twitter feed?

Next on the agenda: remove that blue thing from in front of the store!

#eastvillage #avenuea #rayscandystore