Sunday, April 19, 2015

Moishe's Bake Shop Sign

Back in October, I first wrote about Moishe's Bake Shop, especially about how deteriorated it was.

Today, I passed by and saw this:

Moishe's sign is gone.

The sign is gone, and the awning is on the ground, exposing further deterioration behind where it was.

The building that houses Moishe's looks like it's about to collapse — it's separated on the right side, from the building beside it:

About to collapse.

Ah, there's nothing wrong with it a coat of paint won't fix — this is the East Village!

#eastvillage #moishesbakeshop #secondavenue #deterioration #signs


  1. they need to do sumpting about doze windahs!

    p.s. are you sure it's not the building on the right that started to droop to the right, away from moishe's? :-)


    1. That's a good question, and without one of those surveyor's angle-measuring devices, I can't answer you.

      Yes, the windows are dreadful!
