Monday, September 26, 2016

Abandoned Corn on the Cob

As recently as eight days ago, I wrote about corn on the cob being thrown out by P.S. 15, on East 4th Street.

This past Thursday, I discovered an abandoned box of corn on the cob, just past the front gates of the school, beside a siamese connection for the Fire Department, and a rat trap:

Abandoned corn on the cob.

By the looks of it, it's not cut in half, the way it was in the trash bag — how inconvenient is that?!

#eastvillage #ps15 #cornonthecob #abandoned #food #rattraps #siameseconnections


  1. nothing's fresher than canadian grown peaches and cream corn on the cob that has been precooked and then vacuum packed in a 48 count food service pack. mmm...MMM!

