Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Activity at Ray's

I don't think I've ever seen anyone use the window at Ray's Candy Store before. Even here, I think the woman at the window wasn't buying anything, but just talking to the person on the other side.

Woman at Ray's Candy Store window.

I was so excited to see someone using this window that I completely neglected to notice that the store beside Ray's, that had been vacant in previous pictures, was now showing signs of activity.

It looks like we'll soon be able to get paninis, wraps, smoothies, and fresh juice!

So Ray's will no longer be the starting point of the derelict area, but they should still get rid of that trashy thing in front. Seriously!


  1. Who ARE you? This blog looks/sounds like an 18 year old girl from Ohio with Sex and the City dreams writes it. Have you ever BEEN to the East Village? This is a disgusting and poor reflection on everything the neighborhood has ever represented and the name of your "blog" of nonsense only casts more shame on your mission. Stop.

    1. Anonymous, Hi! Thanks for reading my blog. I'm glad to see you agree with me about Ray cleaning up the front of his store!

    2. East Village Today Begone08 October, 2014 19:44

      Seriously!!! did you even read 11:34 a.m.'s reply?!!!!!! (is that enough exclamation points for you?!!!!!!) What a daft, dense and clueless transplant you are. You need to clean your head of delusions!!!!

  2. This blog is disgusting, move somewhere else please!

    1. Do you think WordPress is better? You could be right!
