The beloved Down Town Bakery II is a Mexican food place on First Avenue, specializing in burritos, enchiladas, tacos, and tamales. They're not as good as the beloved Puebla Mexican Food, a couple of blocks south, but since Puebla closed, Down Town has the advantage!
Unfortunately, they also have a messed-up awning:
Messed-up awning. |
Here's the view from across the street:
Across the street. |
It's the look that makes the East Village famous!
You may have noticed that in the first picture (taken in March), the awning to the left of Down Town is red, and in the second picture (taken this past weekend) it's white. Fancy Juice has replaced whatever it was that was there before.
Another day, another beloved store…
#eastvillage #downtownbakeryii, #firstavenue, #fancyjuice, #pueblamexicanfood